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The ANMF (Vic Branch) website is undergoing maintenance

ANMF (Vic Branch) is updating its member engagement system so we can better support our members with their inquiries and membership needs.

Between noon Friday 4 October and 6pm Saturday 5 October 2019 the Member Portal, CPD Portal and member-only sections of our website will be unavailable. Members may also experience disruptions when logging into the ANMF Diary App and the comments section of our news website On the Record. We apologise for any inconvenience caused during this period.

Our Member Assistance service will be closed between noon and 5pm, Friday 4 October. You can use the member assistance inquiry form during this time and the Member Assistance team will respond within two business days.

Our membership department will also be closed between noon and 5pm, Friday 4 October. If you have an inquiry about your membership during this time please email and the membership department will respond within two business days.

Want to become an ANMF member?

If you would like to join ANMF (Vic Branch) please complete this online join form.

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